
Owner : Helena

Opening date : November 25 2017

Language : English

Host : Flaunt

About : Daisy Ridley

Twitter : @DaisyRidley_US

E-mail :


About the staff : My name is Helena and I’ve been a big Daisy Ridley fan since 2015, when I first saw her in Star Wars : The Force Awakens. I loved her candidness, her voice, her laugh, her talent! I’ve been collecting pictures and sharing her career news with great pleasure since 2016. I’m excited to see what’s next for her!

First movie with Daisy : Star Wars VII

Favorite movie with Daisy : Ophelia

Underrated movie with Daisy : Murder on the Orient-Express

What project she should do next : more theatrical work!


Past Versions :


001 : Zeste De Couleurs 


002 : Gratrix Designs